Apr 29, 2020

audio spectrum【オーディオスペクトラム】aftereffects 作ってみた

【 GDL 】GDLVLOGの6本目をアップロード完了。今回はオーディオスペクトラムを使ってみました。自分が選んだ音楽に、動きが付くエフェクト。不思議な感じ

【 english 】GDLVLOG's sixth upload is complete. This time, I tried using the audio spectrum. This effect adds movement to the music you choose. It's a strange feeling.


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Apr 26, 2020

LOWER THIRD 【ローワーサード】作り方学んでみた:AFTEReffects

【 GDL 】GDLVLOGの5本目をアップロード完了。今回はローワーサードを作作ってみました。このシンプルなローワーサードは大好きなもの。これが自分で作れるようになったことは本当に嬉しい。グラフィックデザインとそれらに動きをつける作業、写真とビデオが自分ですべてこなせるようになれば、あとは死ぬまで創作活動が続けられる。嬉しい。

【 english 】GDL VLOG's 5th upload is complete. This time, I tried to make a lower third. This simple lower third is one of my favorites. I'm really happy that I'm able to make this myself. Once I can do all the graphic design and the work of putting movement on it, photography and video, I can continue to create until I die. I'm glad I did.


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Apr 23, 2020

写真を動画にする方法【アフターエフェクツ 】

【 GDL 】GDLVLOGの4本目をアップロード完了。今回のVLOGは写真から動画を作る方法を試してみました。これはプレミアを使って作業した方がいいのか、それともアフターエフェクツ で作業したらいいのか、さっぱりわかりませんでしたが、なんとかアップロードまでやり切りました。

【 english 】GDL : The fourth upload of GDLVLOG is complete. In this VLOG, I tried to make a video from a photo. I didn't know whether it was better to work with Premier or After Effects, but I managed to upload it.


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Apr 21, 2020

スムーズな動きをつける【アフターエフェクツ 】

【 GDL 】GDLVLOGの3本目をアップロード完了。今回のVLOGはグラフィックをスムーズに動かす研究をしてみた。アップロードまでやり切って思う事は数をこなすしかないな(笑)慣れるまで、やり倒します(きっぱり)

【 english 】GDL : The third upload of GDLVLOG is complete. In this VLOG, I tried to study how to make graphics work smoothly. The only thing I can think of is to do a lot of work until I get used to it (laughs).


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Apr 18, 2020

GDL VLOG 002:ブラー効果(アフターエフェクツ )


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Apr 16, 2020


【 GDL 】グラフィックデザインラボという名前でyoutubeチャンネルを作ってみた。youtubeに動画をアップするために必要なことは細かいことを含めると沢山ある。今回のチャンネル制作のために取り組んだのが新しいソフトウェアの導入。アフターエフェクツ とプレミアという動画編集用のソフトウェア。覚えることが沢山ありすぎて、約30日かけてやっとVLOGをアップできるようになった。学ぶ事は満載なので日々チャレンジしていこうと思う。

【 english 】GDL : I've created a youtube channel called Graphic Design Lab. One of the things we worked on for the production of this channel was the introduction of new software. Video editing software called After Effects and Premier. There are so many things to learn, it took me about 30 days to finally be able to upload the VLOG. I have a lot to learn, so I'm going to challenge myself every day.


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Apr 2, 2020

コロナウィルスに関する考察【 Considerations for coronaviruses 】

2020年4月2日 【資料出所】WHO:Coronavirus disease(COVID-2019) situation reports、各国政府プレスリリース、ジョンズ・ ホプキンス大学 新型コロナウイルス感染症の拡散状況マップ等

日本:感染者【 2,081名 】
日本:死亡者【 60名 】

全世界:感染者【 928,730名 】
全世界:死亡者【 46,112名 】










Source: WHO: Coronavirus disease (COVID-2019) situation reports, government press releases, Johns Hopkins University: New coronavirus disease spread map, April 2, 2020

Japan: Number of infected persons 【 2,081 】
Japan: Deaths 【  60 】

Worldwide: infected people【 928,730 】
Worldwide: Deaths【 46,112 】

COVID-2019 has exploded in China, Italy, Spain, and the U.S. While Japan has recorded a low number of infections, the numbers have grown: on April 2, 2081 people were infected in Japan. This is about the same as the U.S. numbers as of March 13. 19 days later, the number in the U.S. had increased nearly 100-fold to 213,372. I'm a Japanese living in Tokyo and I support the policies of the US Governor of New York. It doesn't matter what the border is.

Thinking about COVID-2019 infectious disease control

(1) Think that you are already infected and take action.
None of the people who were infected would have thought they would be infected. This virus is so infectious that no one is immune to it and it will spread all over the world. Therefore, I think it is important to think that you are already infected and act on it. If you're infected, you won't go to school, you won't go to work. In Japan, there are still many people going to work on a packed train today. There is an area that wants to reopen the school. The virus was also confirmed in 0-year-old children. It can be transmitted regardless of gender or age. Would an already infected patient be forced to go to school or take the train to work? He won't go. We should limit our actions no matter what the government of that country says or does. School and work can be restarted later. It's best to buy the minimum amount of food you need and stay at home the rest of the time.

(2) People in the medical field
The doctors who are treating the infected are aware of the risk of infection and are engaged and responsive. It's the doctor who has to be saved, priority-wise. Assemble a number of people and work shifts where you can take breaks.

A state of emergency is declared five days after the first case of infection in New York. A hotline is available to report price hikes for masks and disinfectants. The total number of infected people in New York City at that time was 76. A week later, the city is cordoned off and a makeshift hospital is built. I think it was a very fast response, but the virus was spreading several times faster and showed no signs of subsiding. As is the case in Italy, the hospital system collapsed at this point. In New York, the health care system broke down in about 20 days after the first cases were confirmed, with the number of patients overwhelmingly outstripping the hospital's capacity to handle them and not enough doctors, equipment or beds. What's missing is a doctor, a bed, an oxygen inhaler, a mask or goggles, gloves, and rubbing alcohol. Even with treatment, it's a condition where more and more patients are brought in one after the other. What happens when the health care system breaks down? There were not enough doctors to look around, not enough beds, tools and machines, and one patient after another would die on the spot. The number of people dying not only in the medical field, but also in various other places without knowing whether they are infected or not, will skyrocket. In my country, Japan, the same thing will happen if people who commute to work or school don't stop. Every hospital in Tokyo would collapse, there would be insufficient doctors and machines, and people would die one after the other. The death toll would be substantial. The way to delay it as much as possible is to stay home and not go anywhere.

(3) When will it end?
It never ends. It would be nice if we could get a vaccine, but they say it would take a year or more with current technology. They will live with this virus until a complete cure is found, which has been through clinical trials. This is a project that should be undertaken by raising the knowledge and technology of the world, and I believe that this disease will spread to all mankind if it is not given the highest priority. There won't be a superhero for another year. All we can do is sit back and refrain from going out until we figure out how to deal with it. It can reduce the speed at which the infection spreads and relieve the stress and pressure on the medical field.

(4) People who have recovered from the infection.
I think people who are recovering from infection should output their own experiences. It's important to tell people who don't yet know the disease in a live voice when it's infected. If it's gone up to this point, I'm infected and resurrected, it's not going to cause any hate, it needs more accurate information than that. It's important to share with consideration for those around you, not instigation.

It's not often that I get a chance like this, so I'm going to stay at home and try to build up what I can.